Training Challenges
June 25-July 25th
Challenge Walk MS is more fun with a friend, invite others to start training with you. Get a NEW WALKER to register by Tuesday, July 25th and you’ll both win a fanny pack!
Fundraising and Training T-shirt Incentive
Win a Challenge Walk MS training wicking t-shirt by hitting $1,500 in fundraising by August 5th!
Fundraising Weeks
September 4- September 10, 2023
- Challenge: Person with the most money raised and person with the most number of gifts
- Prize: Win a free night of housing for Thursday night before the event. (1 room for most money raised and 1 room for most number of gifts).
October 2- October 8, 2023
- Individual challenge: The individual with the most number of gifts will win a special gift card or treat for food along the route.
- Team Challenge: Top teams with the most money raised (up to 5 winners) will win reserved seating for Friday and Saturday night programs.
Virtual “Know Before You Go” Meeting
October 2023 – date and time TBD
Join us to go over walk weekend details, weekend guide, what to pack and answering any questions that you may have! This Virtual Meeting will be especially helpful to first-time Challenge Walk MS attendees and will be a refresher of info for returning attendees.
The meeting will be recorded and information distributed if you are unable to attend.
Thursday Night Packet Pick Up and Welcome Party
Thursday, November 2, 2023 from 4 – 7 pm PT at Marriott San Diego
Walker, Crew, and Super Crew Check-in and Packet Pick Up
- Packet Pick Up at the Marriott San Diego, our host hotel for the weekend
- Grab your Challenge Walk MS credentials for the event weekend