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Who are we?

If you’re a frequent patron of Woodside’s finest establishment, Donovan’s Pub, chances are you’ve seen us around. We’ve made your drinks, cleaned your plates, and wrapped your food for years. But we haven’t officially met. Our team outside of Donovan’s, “Queens Finest,” consists of three employees and friends who’ve bonded like brothers over the years. We are Andrew Amenn, Cristian Batista, and Noah Jacobson. 

What is MS?

Now that you’ve met us, meet Multiple Sclerosis: a rare, debilitating disease that slowly claws away at the central nervous system, targeting the brain, the spinal cord, and the optic nerves. It’s safe to say that no one wants MS. It puts you at a disadvantage, not just physically and mentally, but emotionally as well. And while it can be treated, there is no cure. 

What can we do about it?

In short, we’re going to climb. What do we mean by this? On May 4th, 2024, Citi Field will host the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Climb to the Top in New York City. The three of us will conquer the steps at the home of the New York Mets and do the physical tasks that our family, friends, and fellow humans with Multiple Sclerosis cannot do themselves. This is a disease that would greatly benefit from further research, just like any other chronic illness. But more research means that funds are needed.

How can you help?

As you now know, we’ve established a team to climb in this event. If you could find it in your heart to donate to our cause or share our message, we could never thank you enough. 

Why is MS relevant to us?

Hi, I’m Andrew, one-third of the guys eager to show MS who it's up against on May 4th. Previously, I mentioned “family, friends, and fellow humans with Multiple Sclerosis.” The “family” part hits close to home for me. My father, every son’s hero, battles valiantly with Multiple Sclerosis every day. This illness impacts him like you would not believe. But he still manages to be the strongest man I know, physically and mentally. Trust me when I say that you do not want to see a loved one struggle with progressive MS. He fights it, so I fight it with him. So does my family. I’m so grateful that I can put Noah and Cristian in this category. Without them, I wouldn’t be typing this out or climbing the steps at Citi Field in May. These guys are incredible. They’ve had family who’ve fought bravely with illnesses like my father does, and they understand the struggle. I’m glad to say that we’re in this together. The three of us are climbing to raise awareness of MS, and we need your support in any way we can get it. 





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