Help us help others.
Team Left Hand is a group of employees and friends dedicated to solving the riddle that is Multiple Sclerosis. Since 2008, our teams across the country have raised over $7.5 million for the National MS Society, and we won’t stop riding or fundraising until MS stands for Mystery Solved.
Multiple sclerosis interrupts the flow of information between the brain and the body and stops people from moving. It is an unpredictable and potentially disabling disease of the central nervous system with symptoms that vary drastically from person to person and over time in the same person. Team Left Hand is dedicated to fighting this disease by helping the National MS Society fund research, advocate for change, and help people with MS and their families lead powerful lives. We believe in the work they do, and we want to be a part of it. With support from our riders, volunteers, sponsors and donors, Team Left Hand helps empower the National MS Society to address the challenges of each person whose life is affected by MS and helps them stay connected to the moving world.
Left Hand Brewing is a proud National Bike MS Sponsor with supported teams participating in 6 rides across the country.
Before you can join our team here, we ask that you visit our website and pay our team fee. The annual fee covers your custom jersey and helps us with all kinds of cool amenities like our team tent, incredible food, keg fountains, BEER, and more! Once you select your jersey and pay, you will receive an email on next steps on registering with us on the Bike MS website.
We hope you’ll consider joining us to raise funds & awareness for the millions of people around the world that are fighting this disease today.
Jennifer Hamilton | OH Team Co-Captain |
Bob Soroky | OH Team Co-Captain |
Chris Lennert | National Team Captain |