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Welcome to the Best Dressed Pet Contest!

Walk MS Midland is proud to present the Best Dressed Pet Contest. Please see the directions below on how to enter the contest and how to vote.

Entering the Contest
Please email the following information to Subject: BDP - Name of Pet
 1. Owner Name
 2. Pet First and Last Name
 3. Owner Street Address
 4. Gender
 5. Phone Number
 6. Date of Birth (pet’s DOB is fine)
 7. Owner Team Name (Note: If no team name is provided, the funds raised by your pet will go to team Stomp Out MS)
 8. Photo of your Pet 
a) Can be a costume or have some sort of clothing accessories
 b) Nothing political or offensive
 c) Must be a living pet
 d) Do not add any filters to photo
 e) Only one pet per photo
How to Vote
 1. Click on the pet's name listed below. Be sure to browse through all of the contestants to choose the Best Dressed Pet.
 2. Each dollar donated to a particular pet's page equals one vote. Feel free to donate $1, $5, $20 or whatever you want. Have fun with it!
3. Voting goes through 9:00PM April 26 and the pet with the most funds raised will be chosen as the winner and announced at Walk MS Midland on Saturday, April 27.

 4. When you are done voting, share the fun! Share this page on social media, email, however you want to get the word out!

 1st Place: $50 Amazon Gift Card
 2nd Place: $25 Amazon Gift Card
 3rd Place: $10 Amazon Gift Card




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