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Thank you ALL for visiting my fundraising page. It’s hard to believe it has been almost two years since my diagnosis. Throughout my treatment, Walk MS has given me a place to see the support I have around me for Team Savannah and continue to make strides with my health journey. 

I write this to express my deepest gratitude for your support and generous donations to Team Savannah. Your contribution has made a significant impact on our efforts to raise awareness and funds for multiple sclerosis. Your kindness and generosity have not only meant the world to me, but have also contributed to the bigger picture of improving the lives of those affected by MS. With your donation, we are one step closer to reaching that goal. 

It has been truly inspiring to see the community of people around me showing their support for something that hits so close to home for me. 

Once again, thank you for your support and love throughout this journey. 

With heartfelt thanks, 

Savannah Miller




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