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Terri Tilghman-Douglas

Team Captain Team 4 A Reason Leaders in Motion Walk MS: Nashville 2024


I’m walking toward a world free of MS

Dear Friends & Family,

I am writing to invite you to join my circle to see the end to Multiple Sclerosis.  Sitting down and preparing my campaign letter this year has yet again proved difficult, therefore it is coming to you a bit later than in years past.  My day-to-day life is living all things Multiple Sclerosis, from awareness, fundraising, educating, to advocating for those that don’t feel they have a voice.  Not to mention still living WITH Multiple Sclerosis.  I felt my focus lacking and I gimped through my days just a little bit more than usual.  In the stillness, I found myself reflecting on one of Momma’s daily affirmations, “one step at a time”.  

In that quote, I realized there have been many steps taken in the past fourteen years towards my, our, mission.

*We have raised $167,021.30 collectively as a team since 2010

*I am a member of the Board of Trustees for the Indiana-Kentucky-Tennessee Chapter

*I have recently completed the Ambassador Program with the Society 


I have been living with Multiple Sclerosis since 1999 and have advocated for those diagnosed after me. I do this for them, more so than myself. What started as one new diagnosis in 2009 has turned into many, far too many.  

The funds raised over the years have made strides in the advancement of treatments available. 

*The National MS Society is the world’s leading private funder of MS research, investing $1.1 billion since 1946(Your support made this possible)

*We brought the world together to set standards for diagnosing MS quickly and accurately, ensuring early treatment to slow progression for more people than ever before. (Faster treatment results in better quality of life.)

*Of the estimated one million people in the United States diagnosed with MS. 556,000 have connected and let us know of their diagnosis.  (I walk for them)

This year, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society will be holding a regional Walk MS event in Nashville.  Team 4 A Reason will be attending, and we will be representing the #1 team of 2023 at the event!!!!  I have been asked to be the Walk Honoree.   If you would like to join us, the event will be held on Apri1 6th2023, at Nissan Stadium, 1 Titans Way, Nashville, TN 37213. Time: Site opens at 8:30a.m, Program starts at 9:45a.m., Walk Kickoff at 10:00a.m.

We know that traveling to Nashville is not ideal for everyone and for that reason we will be hosting a smaller Walk MS event at Longhurst Park, Guthrie KY, on June 2nd 2p.m.-4p.m., 218 S. Ewing Street.  Walk MS-YOUR Way is a LOCAL sponsorship opportunity. It will look a bit different than years past, but we will still be there for the same mission!

Please, please if you can join our circle or donate, we would all greatly appreciate it so that one day we will be saying "I used to have a disease called Multiple Sclerosis".  With the advancements being made, those words are not too far in the future, I believe.   


Ways You Can Help

  • Donate. $10 - $20 - $30. No amount is too small or too large. We have some people that save their pennies for MS.  Those pennies add up to dollars and dollars are closer to a cure!
  • Check to see if your employer has a gift matching program.
  • Sponsor our team with a $50 donation and earn a spot on our team shirts. A minimum $200 donation will have a logo spot. The deadline to be on the shirt is Wednesday May1st (If you would like to be a sponsor, please include a logo or how you wish your business to be listed.) BACK AGAIN THIS YEAR!! Sponsor the team/event with a donation of $500 and be featured on a banner the day of the event as well as the shirts.
  • Register and walk with us on April 6th at Nissan Stadium or our local Walk MS event at Longhurst Park, Guthrie KY, on June 2nd 2p.m.-4p.m., 218 S. Ewing Street. Please email me at if you wish to attend our local event.


  • March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month: WEAR ORANGE


  • Recycle for MS! Save your aluminum cans for us! Let me know if you would like a dedicated can for your business and I will provide one to you and pick up the cans on a regular basis. (You may have noticed these “Cans for MS” bins at American Café, Guthrie Main Street, and Longhurst & Ladell’s who have been teamed up with us for a while!) Cans can also be dropped at our home at any time. These cans go a long way in helping raise funds year-round for MS! (2023 Cans totaled roughly $325 of our amount)


  • Share this letter with your friends and family.
  • Pray. Pray for a cure so no one must hear the words again, "you have MS."


Our team goal this year is $15,000.00.  I know we can reach it with your support.

**Please make checks to: National Multiple Sclerosis Society (Your donation is tax deductible)
 **Enclosed is a self-addressed envelope for you to send your donation/sponsorship
 **You may also visit our website below and donate directly.



Thank you for your support and together we will end MS forever!

Terri Renee’ Tilghman-Douglas

Walk MS Team Captain/NMSS Indiana-Kentucky-Tennessee Chapter Trustee/MS Activist/Volunteer/Indiana-Kentucky-Tennessee Community Engagement Committee Member/Ambassador


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