Volunteers Power Bike MS
From planning event details and stuffing packets to providing safety and support for cyclists on ride day, Bike MS® would not be possible without volunteers.
Everyone Can Volunteer
Families, corporate groups and individuals of all ages and abilities are welcome to volunteer. We are always looking for youth clubs, corporate and service-oriented community groups to lend a hand before, during and after our events. Whether you’re living with MS and just want to say thank you at the Finish Line or you’re ready to captain a rest stop, there’s a place for you at Bike MS!
Sign Up Today!
To sign up, click the button below and you will be taken to the sign-up page for this event.
Skilled Volunteer Positions
*"Skilled Volunteer Positions” refers to volunteer roles which often requires additional training, background or motor vehicle checks, and time commitments.
Bike Medic | Bike Police | Entrance Controllers (CERT) | Communications - Amateur/HAM Radio Operators | Motorcycle Marshal | Ride Marshal | SAG Drivers | SAG Navigators (Special Assistance Group | Box/Bus Combo | Supply Truck and Van Drivers
Bike Medic
A bike medic is a volunteer rider who provides medical assistance along the route on Days 1 and 2. The level of care will usually be BLS but can include BTLS and ALS. Other duties may include traffic control, minor bike repairs and rider information. To be eligible to serve as a volunteer on the ACC Texas MS150 Bike Medic team, one must hold a current and valid medical certification in at least one of the following disciplines: “MD, PA, NP, RN, LVN, Lic-P, EMT-P, AEMT, EMT-B, or ECA. ”Communication” is via cell phone to the ride's Command Center. A special rider jersey will be issued. Email VolunteerTexasMS150@nmss.org to be sent more information from the Bike Medic Committee Chair.
Bike Police
A volunteer rider and a certified law enforcement officer who serves along the route implementing safety protocol, directs traffic and assists other cyclists when needed. These special volunteers will receive a distinctive POLICE BIB # for the ride and may be called upon for assistance at any time along the route. Assistance may be needed for any riders, EMS officials, ACC Texas MS 150 officials or other law enforcement officers working the route. While it's not mandated to ride both days, it's greatly appreciated if possible. Email VolunteerTexasMS150@nmss.org to be sent more information from the Bike Police Committee Chair.
Entrance Controllers (CERT)
CERT Rest Stop Entrance Controllers provide traffic assistance to cyclists at the entrances and exits of the rest stops. Primary responsibilities include providing a safe environment for cyclists to dismount and directing cyclists to the bike lay down area. Rest Stop Entrance Controllers help ensure cyclist safety by keeping bike traffic continuously moving, encouraging the cyclists, giving information and creating an orderly, enjoyable atmosphere.
QUALIFICATIONS: CERT volunteers must be at least eighteen years of age, have completed FEMA sponsored CERT training, provide emergency contact information, sign an event release statement, attend a scheduled orientation (new volunteers), and attend a pre-event team organizational meeting (all volunteers). Saturday-only, Sunday-only and Saturday & Sunday (2-day) assignments are available.
To find out more about the CERT Program and where CERT training is being offered in the region, please visit the Harris County Citizen Corps website or the City of Houston CERT website. Additional information can be found at the Bike MS 150 CERT website at certms150.org.To register as a CERT Rest Stop Entrance Controller for this year’s Bike MS: ACC Texas MS 150, click here: Bike MS 150 CERT website.
Communications - Amateur/HAM Radio Operators
Amateur radio operators form the primary communications network for the ACC Texas MS 150. Operators are assigned to several different groups or stationed at different locations along the route. This is a one- or two-day commitment, depending on your assignment and location. If you are interested in learning more about this position, please visit http://texasms150hams.org to review information on the different opportunities and initiate the 2025 sign up process.
Motorcycle Marshal
The ACC Texas MS 150 Motorcycle Marshals play a critical role in the safety and success of the event. The primary mission of the Motorcycle Marshals is monitoring the welfare of bicycle riders along the route, rendering aid to riders in distress, and alerting the Command Post of more serious cases. Additionally, Motorcycle Marshals provide communication, alert the MS Command Post about accidents or other hazards on the route, and other duties as needed. Many Motorcycle Marshals help bicycle riders change flat tires and other minor bicycle repairs.
Motorcycle Marshals must be at least 25 years old, have a valid driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement, and proof of insurance covering the motorcycle to be ridden in the ACC Texas MS 150. They should be an active rider for the past two years with at least 5000 miles riding experience. Motorcycle Marshals often ride at low speeds (15-20 mph) in close proximity to bicycles, so good motorcycle handling skills at these speeds are essential. An MSF course or equivalent is required.
The National MS Society will require all motorcycle volunteers submit copy of vehicle insurance and copy of operator's driver license.
Motorcycle Marshals are required to wear DOT approved helmets while on the ride and may only ride solo. Motorcycles ride in close proximity to bicycles, so trikes, sidecars, or any other motorcycle variation with more than two wheels are not allowed, nor are trailers towed behind the motorcycle.
Part of our mission is to help provide the bicycle riders with an enjoyable experience. Most riders do not appreciate extremely loud pipes during their ride, so we do our best to accommodate this. Stock pipes are fine, but extremely loud pipes are not welcome on bicycle rides.
We look forward to having you join the ACC Texas MS 150 Motorcycle Marshal Program!
Ride Marshal
- Ride Marshals are registered cyclists who act as both Good-Will and Safety Ambassadors for Training Rides and the Bike MS: Texas MS 150.
- Must be 18 years of age
- Have current CPR/First-Aid certification - earned certification required before we give you a Jersey
- Must register as rider on the ACC Texas MS 150 website and meet the fundraising minimum.
- Must complete the Volunteer Registration
- Be passionate and knowledgeable about safe cycling
- Be willing to work with fellow cyclists to promote safe cycling
- Must have completed at least two (2) Bike MS rides within the last 5 years
- Ride Marshals must provide proof of current Adult CPR/First Aid certification to perform any Ride Marshal functions such as supporting the additional Training Rides. CPR/First Aid training courses are provided by organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross. CPR/First Aid Certification does not have to be obtained from these organizations.
Ride Marshals are required to support at least two (additional Training Rides during the training season February through April) and must complete a hands-on (8-hour minimum) New Ride Marshal Training Class – dates to be announced.
SAG Drivers
Background check required; Department of Motor Vehicles check required (if driving), online driver safety course required
Special Assistance Group (SAG) Vans transport cyclists who are unable to ride to the next rest stop (or to lunch or finish). This volunteer position supports the ACC Texas MS 150 as the official event SAG support team, and does not support a specific team, individual, or interest group. This is approximately a 20-40 hour commitment. Time includes mandatory meetings, training, rental pick-up the Friday before the event/rental drop-off (potentially Monday after the event), as well as SAG duties during the event.
SAG Drivers are required to meet two requirements set by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society: (1) Pass a criminal background check (2) Pass a Motor Vehicle Record screening.
SAG Drivers must have average visual acuity; the ability to drive a large 15-passenger van through tight rider/pedestrian areas; possess the ability to lift, up to 40 pounds, such as large bicycle. It is important that SAG drivers practice patience and are able to handle high-pressure situations. SAG drivers are required to have a second person (navigator) who is the co-pilot assisting the driver with directions, a second set of eyes and interacting with passengers. Loading bikes is also a duty for Navigators. There is a maximum of two volunteers per van. SAG volunteers must be able to work from 5:30 or 6:30 a.m. to the close of the course each day that they are committed to, unless otherwise stated.
SAG Navigators (Special Assistance Group)
Background check required; Department of Motor Vehicles check required (if driving), online driver safety course required
Special Assistance Group (SAG) Vans transport cyclists who are unable to ride to the next breakpoint (or to lunch or finish). This volunteer position supports the ACC Texas MS 150 as the official event SAG support team, and does not support a specific team, individual, or interest group. This is approximately a 20–40 hour commitment. Time includes mandatory meetings, training, rental pick-up the Friday before the event/rental drop-off (potentially the Monday after event weekend), as well as SAG duties during the event.
SAG Navigators are the co-pilots assisting the driver with directions, a second set of eyes and interacting with passengers. Loading bikes is also a duty for Navigators.
SAG Navigators can assist with driving if the proper requirements are met. They are required to meet two requirements set by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society: (1) Pass a criminal background check (2) Pass a Motor Vehicle Record screening.
SAG Navigators not planning to assist with driving are required to meet pass a criminal background check.
SAG Navigators must have the ability to lift, up to 40 pounds, such as a large bicycle. It is important that SAG Navigators practice patience and are able to handle high-pressure situations. There is a maximum of two volunteers per van. SAG volunteers must be able to work from 5:30 or 6:30 a.m. to close of the course each day they are committed to.
Box/Bus Combo
Box/Bus Combos transport cyclists who are unable to ride to the next breakpoint by placing bicycles in the Box Truck & Riders in the Bus. This two-person volunteer team (box truck driver and navigator) works with their assigned bus to move cyclists along with their bicycles from breakpoint to breakpoint, lunch, and finish. This is a minimum 40-hour commitment. Time includes mandatory training; rental pick-up the Friday before event weekend and rental drop-off the Monday after event weekend; plus assigned duties Saturday and Sunday of the event. Box/Bus Combo volunteers must pass a criminal background check every three years and annual drivers record screening per National MS Society guidelines. Box/Bus Combo volunteers must also possess average visual acuity; the ability to drive a large 15ft. box truck through tight rider and pedestrian areas; and possess the ability to lift up to 40 pounds, such as large bicycle. It is important that Box drivers practice patience and are able to handle high-pressure situations. Box drivers are encouraged to have a second person to help load the box truck and to navigate. There is a maximum of two volunteers per vehicle. Box/Bus Combo volunteers must be able to work the entire weekend from 5:30am to Close of the Course each day.
Supply Truck and Van Drivers
Drive, load, and unload trucks and vans carrying supplies along the route. Moderate-to-heavy lifting may be required. Drivers with commercial licenses preferred. All Drivers must be a minimum of 23 years old to drive an event vehicle. This is a two and a half day commitment from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. Hotel Accommodations will be provided for Supply Truck Driver(s) Friday and Saturday nights.
Email VolunteerTexasMS150@nmss.org to be sent more information from the Supply Committee Chair.
Volunteer & Fundraise – The Best of Both Worlds!
Did you know that volunteers are some of our most powerful fundraisers? Bike MS volunteers who choose to fundraise get access to the same great fundraising tools as Bike MS participants.
Simply let us know that you are interested in fundraising (you'll be asked when you register) and we'll make sure you get set up with a Fundraising Center where you can set a fundraising goal, update your personal webpage to share your story with others, e-mail supporters, track your progress and qualify for great fundraising prizes!